Changes to Snack Day

Thank you all for always providing snack for our class during your snack week throughout the year. This is a very easy way for everyone to get snack each day without having to remember to bring an individual one each day!

Right now, my snack cabinet is overflowing (Thank you so much for your contributions) so I want to put the regular January snack calendar on hold. In order to clean out my snack cabinet, you won't have to bring snack during your snack week in January.

We will still need snack on some days so I am creating a sign up genius. If you are willing to bring a snack, please click here and sign up for a snack day. There are only 9 slots available as I will use the extra snacks on days not listed. If you sign up to bring a snack for one day in January, please bring enough for 21 students on or before that day. 

If you have any questions, please let me know. Thank you!


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