First Weeks of School Part I

Wow! I can't believe that we have been in school for 14 days! As the saying goes, "Time flies when  you're having fun!" We 've been getting to know each other and learning all about first grade.  It's been a busy 14 days for us but here is a quick glimpse into our world!

We have learned how to stand in the perfect first grade line - Voices off. Eyes forward. Hands safe.

and a funny (but not so perfect) first grade line! I love room 15's sense of humor!

We've explored math manipulative!

Carson even made an addition sentence with his arithmetic rack. 3 + 2 + 5 + 3 + 6 + 1 = 20

We've made sure to give our first grade brains a break now and then to enjoy some dancing. Check out Go Noodle!

We have been working hard to review and practice our handwriting!

Part II will be up this week! Stay tuned.......